Our session will be

  • Personalized

    Our initial sessions will be dedicated to assessing where you’re at and creating a personalised plan to fit your unique needs and goals.

    This will include the completion of a personality profile to highlight aspects that support you and those that you would benefit from developing.

    We will then discuss the various areas of your life and formulate a plan to focus on particular destinations that you want to set for yourself (aka goals).

    From there, we will launch together on your flight path, learning how to navigate effectively through the challenges that present themselves.

    And in the same way as an aircraft stays in the air, we will ensure that we keep the momentum in a forward direction.

  • Targeted

    Everyone has pain points when it comes to confidence. I’ll work closely with you to help identify and overcome the triggers.

    Through the numerous challenges in life, I have learnt that developing our emotional intelligence is the key to better understanding those elements that prevent us from launching on our flight path through life.

    Improving our self-awareness is central to this because it allows us to regulate our emotions and build better relationships with ourselves and with those around us.

    Ultimately, we all long for a destination of authentic and un-contaminated choice that will allow us to express our passions on a journey full of purpose, meaning, and fulfilment.

  • Integrative

    To achieve confidence and a healthy mindset we need to incorporate it into our lifestyle.

    I like to focus on our physical, mental (psychological and emotional), and spiritual centres to establish balance and equilibrium.

    As with the aircraft that I fly, the core strength and stability of our ‘vessels’ are crucial in ensuring that we make the journey through life in a safe, efficient and pleasurable way.

    It’s that which allows us the flexibility to deal with the inevitable turbulence that life throws at us and to come out the other side into the glorious sunrise of experience, discovery, opportunity, and adventure.

    I’ll guide you toward other helpful practices, such as physical and nutritional health; mindfulness, breathwork & positive affirmations; and the importance of connection with all around you.

How you’ll feel

more confident and clearheaded, with increased energy & Excitement for the PRESENT & future, and A calmer state of mind

My coaching packages

While I understand the need for flexibility, I believe that continuity is fundamental in committing to making long-term, sustainable changes in life.

That applies particularly in building a mindset that will power us to keep our motivation levels up and to be resilient when the tough times hit.

One-off calls (start-up sessions) may be helpful in the short term. Still, my experience has shown that to maximise your time, energy and financial resources, thinking of this journey in terms of committing to a long-haul operation will be most beneficial to you.

I appreciate the time, energy, and financial commitment you will invest in the coaching process. I am equally committed to seeing you gain long-term benefits from my services. Therefore, if you feel you have yet to achieve the momentum you would like by the end of our second session, I offer a no-questions-asked full refund.

  • The discovery call

    45 minutes


  • Start-Up Sessions

    1 x 60 minute session


  • Short Haul Package

    4 x 60 minute weekly sessions


  • Medium Haul Package

    8 x 60 minute weekly sessions


  • Long Haul Package

    12 x 60 minute weekly sessions


I find that there is nothing more satisfying in life than to see people’s eyes light up when something positive clicks inside them. As long as that is your goal, I will be here to support you in thought, as well as on WhatsApp and e-mail.

What you’ll get

  • Weekly 60-minute, 1-on-1 sessions

  • Personality type profiling & an understanding of the aspects for development

  • Comprehensive wellness assessment involving physical, mental, emotional & spiritual elements

  • Powerful questioning to highlight the obstacles and turbulence that lie on your flight path through life

  • Development of a ‘flight plan’ to help you navigate through those challenges & reach your desired destinations (aka goals)

  • Tools and techniques in mindfulness, meditation, breath work, and more

  • Recommendations on books, podcasts, SM, and other sources of learning & development

  • Access to like-minded individuals who are equally committed to discovering life in all its glorious wonder

  • Guidance and support via email & WhatsApp